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Along with the "Federal Forfeiture Practice Manual", I have two other signifciant publications.  The first is "Why Just Her -- The Judicail Lynching of the D.C. Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey". 

The second is the "The Justicide Brief".  Asserting the premise that Justice is dead, the Justicide Brief traces the historical development of justice from the Magna Charta to the U.S. Constitution. Describing the Founding Father’s vision for justice as defined in the Judiciary Act of 1789, the Brief then continues by describing how that vision has been destroyed.

Starting with the Judiciary Act of 1891, by silent approaches and slight deviations from legal modes of procedure, the slow death of Justice is detailed through to the present state of affairs where: (i) decisions are made based upon the whim of a judge, (ii) the American Bar Association has been given the power to determine who will be able to practice law and sit as judges, and (iii) judges are absolutely immune from the consequences of any judicial misbehavior.

Concluding with specific proposal to bring back to life the Justice the Founding Father had envisioned, the Justicide Brief is a necessary read for anyone clamming to be an informed citizen.

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